Concept Me & the Icons of Fabric – On Pierre Frey.

December 15th, 2021 / 4 min read

Once upon a time in the KSA, I was an up-coming designer. I received an invitation from a client’s acquaintance to a dinner. That dinner proved to be a highlight for my career for I was introduced to the wondrous world of La Maison Pierre Frey.

A zeitgeist in the interior design industry, La Maison Pierre Frey continues to lead the world of fabrics, wallpaper and upholstery with its wealth of heritage, innovative drive and eclectic motifs. As an architect, I was not supposed to be interested in fabrics. The running joke in architecture school is that we must be above the mundane elements of interior design. However, as the founder of one of the few companies that provides a 360° curated architectural and interior design service, I’ve come to recognize that interior design and architecture not only complement one another, but need to be in harmonious alignment. At that dinner, I was introduced to the true caliber of fabric by a company that has exuded luxury, exoticism, tradition and craftsmanship since its inception in 1935.

My relationship with La Maison Pierre Frey is one built on trust, quality and personal support. As a French-born young architect and designer, they showed me incredible support and allowed me to step into the top-notch circles of their industry. This set the standard for the level of quality and the unmatched taste of excellence that we as Concept Me’s team have championed across all our projects. I already had impossibly high standards and they showed me that I don’t need to compromise them. Cue my constant battle for unattainable perfection!!

The textured magic of La Maison Pierre Frey comprises multiple brands -

  • Pierre Frey
  • Braquenié: Upholsterer of Victor Hugo’s home and Napoleon III’s chariot.
  • Boussac: A leading brand in innovative, contemporary designs and fabrics.
  • Fadini Borghi: A design house that reinterprets luxurious Italian classics for modern sensibilities.
  • Le Manach: An iconic French textile manufacturer that incorporates exoticism and Art Deco.

This magical mystery house of design has my continued loyalty due to its unmatched array of fabrics in a kaleidoscope of aesthetic treasures. Whether inspired by contemporary art, historical architecture, specific eras or landscapes, each one may be considered a masterpiece in design and artistry. Moreover, Concept Me & I have witnessed the extent of their reputable professionalism and personalized work ethic.

Whilst working on a project of Royal standards, Concept Me placed an order of several hundred meters of fabric needed in 2 weeks during the Easter holidays - I know it sounds crazy, but oh, well…

The average industry time for the delivery of such an order is 4-6 months. However, the masters at Pierre Frey and my incredible team collaborated across those 2 weeks (to the point where we dragged our computers and moved into their office across the street) to get this mission impossible accomplished.

Two of my favorite projects’ fabric, The Golden Tower and The Library were supplied by La Maison Pierre Frey. Go take a look!

As the founder and managing director of a company that thrives on taste, quality and aesthetic function, I truly recognize that talent is not enough to accomplish quality work. In our field, we require equally hardworking & talented collaborators. I discussed this at length with Mr Pierre Frey himself last time I was in Paris. Visit their showroom with me here.

La Maison Pierre Frey is such a collaborator. They are craftsmen that know their products will shine with the right designers. They are industry leaders that have projects ranging from the Ritz Carlton to the smallest of artistic dining rooms. They have been my supplier of choice for over a decade.

From their ever-expanding archive of textiles and beauty to their innovation into sustainable production to their unwavering support and belief in Concept Me, La Maison Pierre Frey has truly weaved itself into the very fabric of our industry’s legend.

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